It is only fitting that the first tale in The Wanderer Journal begins with a past-time which took place on a long road between East London & Port Alfred in the South African landscapes known to most as pineapple country...
An Old Tale from the Road Excerpt from 'Hinds Bros tour blog 2011'
19 January 2011
yesterday we were on the road for some 14 hours or so in total – we
maintained sharing the driving. Around midday between East London
& Port Alfred, the sun beating down upon the harsh and desert-like
pineapple country on a long desolate road that seems like its taking you
straight to hell, one of those roads that remind you of Highway 61, we
overtook a truck with a sudden burst of speed - and a little figure
suddenly ran into the road waving us down –a dancer? a bum? A thirsty
pilgrim? A baddy? – No… the little figure was that most dreaded sight
for any modern day journeyman - a traffic cop...
Anyhow, we got out the car, and he asked in a kaap accent, “do you always speed around like this?” He informed us we were driving 120 in an 80 zone & sent us to his accomplice, who was casually half-sitting in the backseat of the police car ready to issue our fine. He pointed to his clipboard with a rusty knife and informed us the fine was R1500! :( We explained to him that we are just traveling musicians - he said “the singers must pay their fine then”. We told him we are simply poor singers, then he asked what music we make. “Guitar music”, we says, and told him we have the guitars in the car - he said to bring one. Indeed we did, and proceeded to sing in harmony: "Jesus, won't you come by here/now is such a needy time"-an old folk song we learnt from our friend Syd Kitchen (dankie oom) .
The cop looked a little perplexed, then a little happy. He asked us a few questions, then said he's not going to fine us... We thanked him sincerely- he smiled inquisitively, and we proceeded on our journey. That night we performed @ Surf Café in Plett...
An Old Tale from the Road Excerpt from 'Hinds Bros tour blog 2011'
19 January 2011

Anyhow, we got out the car, and he asked in a kaap accent, “do you always speed around like this?” He informed us we were driving 120 in an 80 zone & sent us to his accomplice, who was casually half-sitting in the backseat of the police car ready to issue our fine. He pointed to his clipboard with a rusty knife and informed us the fine was R1500! :( We explained to him that we are just traveling musicians - he said “the singers must pay their fine then”. We told him we are simply poor singers, then he asked what music we make. “Guitar music”, we says, and told him we have the guitars in the car - he said to bring one. Indeed we did, and proceeded to sing in harmony: "Jesus, won't you come by here/now is such a needy time"-an old folk song we learnt from our friend Syd Kitchen (dankie oom) .
The cop looked a little perplexed, then a little happy. He asked us a few questions, then said he's not going to fine us... We thanked him sincerely- he smiled inquisitively, and we proceeded on our journey. That night we performed @ Surf Café in Plett...
Love this story more and more every time I hear it :)